Area Leader for Predictability :
- Clemens Wastl (from January 2021)
- Martin Belluš (from February 2015 till December 2020)
- Theresa Gorgas (from January 2013 till January 2015)
- Yong Wang (till December 2012)
- AL report for year 2024, Part 1 (09/2024)
- AL report for year 2024, Part 2 (03/2025)
- Iris Odak, 2024: Machine Learning Methods for Radiation Point-based Post-processing, Report on stay at GeoSphere Austria, 16/09~11/10, 2024, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2024: Upgrade and validation of A-LAEF multiphysics based on the
latest ALARO-1 code at cy46t1, Report on stay at CHMI, 07/01~19/01, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic - Endi Keresturi, 2024: Verification of flow-dependent SPP and domain extension for C-LAEF, Report on stay
at GeoSphere Austria, 24/06~19/07, 2024.
- AL report for year 2023, Part 1 (09/2023)
- AL report for year 2023, Part 2 (03/2024)
- Endi Keresturi, 2023: Flow dependent SPP perturbations for C-LAEF. Report on stay at GeoSphere Austria, 09/10~03/11, 2023, Vienna, Austria.
- Ivan Vujec, 2023: Wind speed post-processing including analog based-method. Report on stay at GeoSphere Austria, 06/11~01/12, 2023, Vienna, Austria.
- Gabriella Toth, 2023: SPP in AROME-EPS. Report on remote stay at GeoSphere Austria, Part1: 08/05~20/05, 2023, Part2: 16/10~27/10, 2023, remote.
- AL report for year 2022 (03/2023)
- Endi Keresturi, 2022: Flow dependent SPP perturbations for C-LAEF. Report on stay at ZAMG, 17/10~28/10, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
- Iris Odak Plenkovic, 2022: The analog-based method application to gridded data post-processing. Report on stay at ZAMG, 21/11~16/12, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
- AL report for year 2021 (03/2022)
- Case studies report 2021
- Iris Odak Plenkovic, 2021: The analog-based method application to gridded data post-processing. Report on stay at ZAMG, 22/11~17/12, 2021, Vienna, Austria.
- Online meeting on future EPS plans in LACE, 09/12/2021: Minutes, Presentation.
- AL report for year 2020 (03/2021)
- AL report for year 2019 (03/2020)
- Iris Odak Plenkovic, 2019: Work on analog-based post-processing method, Report on stay at ZAMG, 04/02~01/03, 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Endi Keresturi, 2019: Adding lagged deterministic forecasts to a convection-permitting EPS, Report on stay at ZAMG, 24/06~19/07, 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Iris Odak Plenkovic, 2019: Work on analog-based post-processing method, Report on stay at ZAMG, 11/11~06/12, 2019, Vienna, Austria
- AL report for year 2018 (03/2019)
- Iris Odak Plenkovic, 2018: Work on analog-based post-processing method, Report on stay at ZAMG, 02/02~03/03, 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Imrišek, 2018: Validation of ENS 3DVar within ALADIN-LAEF Phase II, Report on stay at ZAMG, 30/07~24/08, 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2018: ecFlow suite for new ALADIN-LAEF operations, Report on stay at ZAMG, 30/07~24/08, 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Réka Suga, 2018: Adaptation of Stochastic Pattern Generator (SPG) for Austrian AROME domain, Report on stay at ZAMG, 08/10~02/11, 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Mihály Szűcs, 2018: Phasing and 3D-extension of SPG, Report on stay at ZAMG, 04/06~15/06, 2018, Vienna, Austria
- AL report for year 2017
- Martin Dian, 2017: Supersaturation problem in models with SPPT, Report on stay at ZAMG, 27/03~21/04, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2017: IC and model perturbations for new ALADIN-LAEF, Report on stay at ZAMG, 24/04~19/05, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Mihály Szűcs, 2017: Implementation of Stochastic Pattern Generator (SPG) in ALADIN code, Report on stay at ZAMG, 12/06~21/07, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Raluca Iordache, 2017: Revision of ALADIN-LAEF multiphysics and its combination with SPPT, Report on stay at ZAMG, 10/07~04/08, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Simona Tascu, 2017: Revision of LAEF Multiphysics, Report on stay at ZAMG, 10/07~14/07, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Iris Odak Plenkovic, 2017: Work on analog-based post-processing method, Report on stay at ZAMG, 13/11~09/12, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2017: New ALADIN-LAEF phase I , Report on stay at ZAMG, 16/10~10/11, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- AL report for year 2016
- Simona Tascu, 2016: Revision of LAEF Multiphysics , Report on stay at ZAMG Vienna, Austria 04/07 - 26/8/2016
- Mihály Szűcs, 2016: Stochastic pattern generators , Report on stay at ZAMG 23/05/2016 - 17/06/2016
- Alena Trojáková, 2016: IC perturbations by 3DVAR in ALADIN-LAEF , Report from RC LACE stay in Vienna, 25/04/ - 20/05/2016
- Martin Belluš, 2016: Spectral blending on high resolution issue , Report on stay at ZAMG, 24/10~18/11, 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2016: New high resolution ALADIN-LAEF on CY40T1 with ALARO-1 physics , Report on stay at ZAMG 25/04~13/05 + 06/06~10/06, 2016, Vienna, Austria
- AL report for year 2015
- Mihály Szűcs, 2015: Tests of possible SPPT developments , Report on stay at ZAMG 28/09/2015 - 06/11/2015, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2015: Stochastic Perturbation of Physics Tendencies in new CY40T1 with ALARO-1 physics , Report on stay at ZAMG 14-25/09 + 12-30/10/2015, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2015: Combination of IC and model uncertainties for the surface prognostic variables in ALADINLAEF system , Report on stay at ZAMG 25/05 - 26/06/2015, Vienna, Austria
- Simona Tascu, 2015: ALADIN-LAEF regional ensemble system comparing to the ALARO higher resolution deterministic model , Report on stay at ZAMG 06/07 - 28/08/2015, Vienna, Austria
- AL report for year 2014
- Martin Belluš, 2014: Non Cycling Surface Breeding versus the ensemble of surface Data Assimilations by CANARI in ALADIN-LAEF system (preparation of the publication) , Report on stay at ZAMG 03/11 - 28/11/2014, Vienna, Austria
- Mihály Szűcs, 2014: Stochastically Perturbed Parameterized Tendencies in ALARO and AROME , Report on stay at ZAMG 06/10/2014 - 31/10/2014, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2014: Stochastically perturbed physics tendencies of surface fields in ALADIN-LAEF system, Report on stay at ZAMG 12/05 - 20/06/2014, Vienna, Austria
- AL report for year 2013
- Mihály Szűcs, 2013: Experiment with ECMWF-EPS-LBC dataset and test of an ensemble data assimilation system in an AROME-EPS framework , Report on stay at ZAMG, 07/10/2013 - 15/11/2013, Vienna, Austria
- Simona Tascu, 2013: I. LAEF veri cation tool, II. Time-lagged ALARO ensemble versus LAEF ensemble, Report on stay at ZAMG, Viena, Austria, 1/10/2013 - 15/10/2013
- Martin Belluš, 2013: New LAEF Verification Package development and LAEF ensemble size sensitivity experiments, Report on stay at ZAMG, 01/10 - 11/11/2013, Vienna, Austria
- Simona Tascu, 2013: Report on stay at ZAMG, Viena, Austria, 13/05/2013 - 05/07/2013
- Martin Belluš, 2013: Time Consistent versus Space Consistent coupling and the revision of the Ensemble of surface Data Assimilations by CANARI in ALADIN/LAEF, Report on stay at ZAMG, 13/05 - 21/06/2013, Vienna, Austria
- Ján Mašek and Tomáš Vlasák, 2011: Calibration of ALADIN/LAEF precipitation ensembles
- Martin Belluš, 2011: The assimilation and perturbation of surface/soil fields in ALADIN-LAEF system, Report on stay at ZAMG 11/04 - 20/05/2011, Vienna, Austria
- Area report for year 2010
- Simona Tascu, 2010: Staying report at ZAMG , 4/6/2010 - 30/7/2010, Viena, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2010: Continued work on new ALADIN-LAEF domain definition and X-pattern testing, report on stay at ZAMG 18/10 - 12/11/2010, Vienna, Austria
- Area report for year 2009/2010
- Lovro Kalin, 2009: Study of calibration of ALADIN EPS precipitation forecast using logistic regression, LACE stay, 27/10 - 20/11/2009, ZAMG, Vienna
- Geert Smet, 2009: Surface perturbation in LAEF , Report on stay at ZAMG, 29/9 - 27/11/2009, Vienna, Austria
- Martin Belluš, 2009: Setting up new ALADIN-LAEF domain and retuning of blending ratio accordingly, Technical report on stay at ZAMG 10/09 - 07/10/2009, Vienna, Austria
- Y. Wang et al., 2009: The Central European limited area ensemble forecasting system: ALADIN-LAEF
- Martin Belluš, 2009: Initial conditions for LAM EPS by breeding-blending cycle - Report on stay at ZAMG, 09/02-03/04/2009, Vienna
- Area report for year 2008
- Simona Tascu, 2008: Combination of ARPEGE/EPS and ECMWF/EPS downscaling - ZAMG, Vienna 1/6 - 30/6/2008
- Richard Mládek, 2008: Initial perturbations created from ALADIN native singular vectors - Stay in Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, 14/4 - 16/5/2008
- Lovro Kalin, 2008: Study of calibration of ALADIN EPS precipitation forecast using logistic regression - Lace stay, 29/3 - 25/4, ZAMG, Vienna
- Alexander Kann, 2008: Implementation of improved methods and upgrading the ALADIN-LAEF system - Report on stay at SHMU, Bratislava 01/07/2008 - 31/07/2008
- Martin Belluš, 2008: Combination of large scale initial conditions uncertainty with small scale initial perturbations obtained by breeding cycling using blending technique in LAEF experiments - Report on stay at ZAMG 11/02 - 21/03/2008, Vienna, Austria
Alexander Kann, 2007: Work On the Common Verification Package for Evaluation of Ensemble Forecasts
Richard Mládek, 2007: Singular vectors in ALADIN model
Stjepan Ivatek-Šahdan, 2007: Downscaling ECMWF EPS for ALADIN
Mária Derková, Martin Belluš, 2007: Various applications of the blending by digital filter technique in the ALADIN numerical weather prediction system
- WG report for year 2006
- Georg Pistotnik, 2006: Coupling ALADIN LAEF with ECMWF EPS
- Martin Belluš, 2006: Combination of large scale initial conditions uncertainty with small scale initial perturbations obtained by breeding method using blending procedure
- Simona Tascu, 2006: Coupling ALADIN LAEF with ECMWF EPS
Richard Mládek, 2006: Work on the Common Verification Package for the evaluation of ensemble forecasts
Edit Hágel, 2006: Report on work in Vienna on the common verification package
Workshops & Meetings:
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024, Prague, Czech Republic: 46th EWGLAM - 31st SRNWP Meeting 2024
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
15 - 19 Apr 2024, Norrköping, Sweden: 4th ACCORD workshop
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
25 - 28 Sep 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland: 45th EWGLAM - 30th SRNWP Meeting 2023
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
27 - 31 Mar 2023, Tallinn, Estonia: 3rd ACCORD workshop
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
26 - 29 Sep 2022, Brussels, Belgium: 44th EWGLAM - 29th SRNWP Meeting 2022
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
04 - 08 Apr 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia: 2nd ACCORD workshop
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
27 Sep - 01 Oct 2021, online: 43rd EWGLAM - 28th SRNWP Meeting 2021
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
12 - 16 Apr 2021, online: 1st ACCORD workshop
- Clemens Wastl: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
28 Sep - 1 Oct 2020, online: 42nd EWGLAM - 27th SRNWP Meeting 2020
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
30 Mar - 3 Apr 2020, online: 30th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2020
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
30 Sep - 3 Oct 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria: 41st EWGLAM - 26th SRNWP Meeting
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 1-4 April 2019, Madrid, Spain: Joint 29th ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM ASM
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 11-13 March 2019 Bratislava, Slovakia: ALARO-1 Working days
- Martin Belluš: Uncertainty simulation in ALADIN-LAEF
- 3-7 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018 (EMS)
- 1-4 October 2018 Salzburg, Austria: 40th EWGLAM and 25th SRNWP Meeting
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 16-20 April 2018, Toulouse, France: 28th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2018
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 2-5 October 2017, ECMWF Reading, UK: 39th EWGLAM and 24th SRNWP Meeting
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 3-7 April 2017, Helsinki, Finland: 27th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2017
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 3-6 October 2016, Rome, Italy: 38th EWGLAM & 23rd SRNWP Meeting
- Martin Belluš: Recent activities on LAM-EPS in LACE
- 4-8 May 2016, Lisbon, Portugal: 26th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2016
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE
- 5-8 October 2015 Belgrade, Serbia: 37th EWGLAM & 22nd SRNWP Meeting
- Martin Belluš: Recent activities on LAM-EPS in LACE
- 13-16 April 2015, Helsingor, Denmark: Joint 25th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting
- Martin Belluš: LAM-EPS activities in RC LACE