Area leader for Data Assimilation: 
- Antonín Bučánek (from October 2023)
- Benedikt Strajnar (from January 2019 till September 2023)
- Antonín Bučánek (from April 2018 till December 2018)
- Máté Mile (from July 2013 till December 2017)
- Tomislav Kovacic (from July 2011 till December 2012)
- Gergely Bölöni (from January 2003 till June 2011)
- AL report for first half of 2024
- M. Nestiak, 2024/01: Testing of radar data from the new OPERA NIMBUS production line
- M. Petrovic, 2024/05: Data assimilation and validation of radar radial winds observation
- A. Zajec, 2024/05: Implementation and validation of OI analysis in a coupled ALARO/SURFEX system
- AL report for year 2023
- A. Bučánek, 2023/06: Radar sensitivity estimation within the OPERA dataset and impact studies
- S. Panežić, 2023/07: Sensitivity studies of reflectivity assimilation impact in ALARO with focus on the drying effect
- M. Ličar, 2023/07: Inline data assimilation of ASCAT SSM using SODA/SEKF
- AL report for year 2022
- M. Ličar, 2022/09: Assimilation of Satellite Based SWI Observations using a Simplified Extended_Kalman Filter Algorithm in SURFEX
- K. Szanyi, 2022/09: Assimilating OPERA reflectivity observations into the AROME-HU system
- S. Panežić, 2022/12: Further sensitivity studies with radar reflectivity data assimilation
- A. Dumitru, 2023/02: Computation of the background-error covariances
- S. Panežić, 2021/09: Impact studies with OPERA reflectivity observations
- AL report for year 2020
- Alena Trojáková, 2020/03: ALARO test of radar observation operator
- Antonin Bučánek, 2020/03: Processing of radar reflectivities in screening
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2020/05: Validation of Slovenian GPS observations
- Jana Čampa, 2020/08: Validation of OSCAT observations
- Katarína Čatlošová, 2020/08: Assimilation of radial velocity from radars
- AL report for year 2019
- Maria Monteiro, 2019/02: Use of existing observations - radar
- Katarína Čatlošová, 2019/07: Slovak Mode-S data assimilation into AROME/SHMU
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2019/12: Satellite data assimilation at JCSDA
- Wafa Khalfaoui, 2019/12: Optimization of Blendvar at 2.3 km
- Martin Imrišek, 2019/11: GNSS slant total delays in the ALADIN NWP system:
Phasing of the source code from cy40h1 to cy43t2
- AL report for year 2018
- Tomislav Kovačić: An overview of ODIM HDF5 files from radars within Croatian ALARO NWP model domain
- Alena Trojáková, 2018/03: Radar data pre-processing
- Maria Monteiro, 2018/03: CPDA1.3 - implementation and validation of BATOR: SHIP&BUOY
- Máté Mester, 2018/03: Towards homogenization of OPERA radar data
- Alena Trojáková, 2018/05: Evaluation of OPERA data quality for NWP DA purposes
- Mirela Pietrisi, 2018/05: Comparison of NWP based nowcasting (AROME) with
classical system - Michal Nestiak, 2018/08: Investigation the BATOR cy43t2bf06 for radar DA
- Alina Dumitru, 2018/11: OPERA data processing by BATOR
- Michal Nestiak, 2018/11: Radar DA and BATOR 2
- AL report for year 2017
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2017: Assimilation of Mode-S EHS observations in ALADIN BlendVar
- Florian Meier, Stefan Schneider, Phillip Scheffknecht, Florian Weidle, Jasmin Vural, Christoph Wittmann, 2017: DA activities at ZAMG in 2017
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2017: Overview of ALADIN data assimilation activities at ARSO
- Viktor Tarjani, 2017: Validation of EKF surface assimilation scheme
- Mirela Pietrisi, 2017: Comparison of NWP based nowcasting (AROME) with classical system
- Maria Monteiro, 2017: Upgrade of the source code BATOR to WMO AMDAR template 311010v7
- Mohamed Anis Satouri , 2017: Migration from TAC to BUFR for TEMP observations
- Patrik Benacek, 2017: VARBC for GNSS ZTD in AROME/Hu
- Maria Derkova, Michal Nestiak, Martin Imrisek, Viktor Tarjani, 2017: SHMU national DA report
- Wafa Khalfaoui, 2017: IASI data assimilation
- Mirela Pietrisi, 2017: Comparison of NWP based nowcasting (AROME) with classical system II
- AL report for year 2016
- Florian Meier, Stefan Schneider, Josef Kemetmuller, Christoph Wittmann, 2016: DA activities at ZAMG in 2016
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2016: Overview of ALADIN data assimilation activities at ARSO
- Alena Trojakova, Antonin Bucanek, Patrik Benacek, 2016: New nowcasting framework in ALADIN/CHMI (poster)
- Patrik Benacek, 2016: Tuning of 3DVAR ALADIN-CZ system for aircraft data assimilation
- Maria Monteiro, 2016: Validation of a back-phased version of source code BATOR
- Mirela Pietrisi, 2016: AROME Nowcasting - tool based on a convective scale operational system
- Mohamed Anis Satouri, 2016: Testing of the COPE framework for processing observations
- Mate Mile, Patrik Benacek, 2016: Comparison of different VARBC initialization approaches
- AL report for year 2015
- Mate Mile, 2015: Detailed plan for hourly RUC (1hRUC_plan_2015.pdf)
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2015: Analysis and preprocessing of Czech Mode-S observations
- Patrik Benacek, 2015: Testing IDFI and BlendVar II
- Antonin Bucanek, 2015: Operational implementation of BlendVar scheme at CHMI
- Mate Mile, 2015: OOPS LAM 3DVAR local installation at OMSZ
- Benedikt Strajnar, Jure Cedilnik, Neva Pristov, 2015: Overview of ALADIN DA activities at ARSO
- Florian Meier, Xin Yan, Josef Kemetmuller, Christoph Wittmann, 2015: DA activities at ZAMG
- Mirela Pietrisi, 2015: AROME nowcasting - tool based on a convective scale operational system
- Alena Trojakova, Patrik Benacek, Antonin Bucanek, Radmila Brozkova, 2015: Assimilation of Mode-S observations in ALADIN/CHMI
- Mohamed Zied Sassi, 2015: Assimilation of GPS moisture information
- Viktor Tarjani, 2015: Surface assimilation using extended kalman filter
- Florian Meier, 2015: Radar assimilation and latent-heat nudging in AROME-Nowcasting/AROME-PI
- AL report for year 2014
- Patrik Benacek, 2014: Assimilation Window in 3DVAR
- Benedikt Strajnar, Jure Cedilnik, 2014: Overview of ALADIN data assimilation activities at ARSO
- Florian Meier, Xin Yan, 2014: Data Assimilation activities in Austria
- Zied Sassi, 2014: RUC Validation report
- Mirela Pietrisi, 2014: RC-LACE Stay report
- Alena Trojakova, 2014: Report on the COPE technical meeting
- Michal Nestiak, 2014: RADAR Data Exchange and Common QC tools in RCLACE
- Xin Yan, Mate Mile, 2014: Variational Bias Correction for GNSS ZTD
- Antonin Bucanek, 2014: Study of spatially varying flow-dependent background error variances in ALADIN implementation outside Météo-France II
- AL report for year 2013
- Maria Monteiro, 2013: Radar Data Assimilation - ALADIN Project Stay report at OMSZ
- Benedikt Strajnar, Jure Cedilnik, 2013: ALADIN data assimilation activities at Slovenia
- Florian Meier, Gergely Boloni, Mate Mile: Grid-point sigmaB Maps in AROME 3DVAR
- Patrik Benacek, 2013: Assimilation of IASI data III
- Mate Mile: Report from HIRLAM Joint Working Week on DA and EPS
- Mate Mile, Gergely Boloni, Roland Steib, Helga Toth, Roger R., 2013: Latest Data Assimilation activities at OMSZ
- Stefan Schneider, 2013: Report from GEOSAF project
- Alena Trojakova, 2013: Progress report on 3DVAR testing at CHMI
- Michal Nestiak, 2013: RC LACE RADAR report
- Michal Nestiak, 2013: Summary table on received RC LACE RADAR data samples
- Gergely Bölöni, Roger Randriamampianina, Máté Mile, 2012: Recent Data Assimilation activities in Hungary
- Patrik Benacek, 2012: Data assimilation of IASI data II
- Antonio Stanesic, 2012: CANARI "summer problem"
- Maria Derkova and Martin Bellus, 2012: Report on experiments with CANARI surface assimilation in ALADIN/SHMU system
- Michal Nestiak, 2012: Assimilation on RC LACE Radar data
- Florian Meier, 2011: Soil Wetness Index (SWI) analysis for June 2010(AU)
- Antonio Stanesic, 2011: The SWI diagnostic study for July 2010
- Alena Trojakova, 2011: Data assimilation of IASI data
- Area report for 2010
- Stefan Schneider, Florian Meier and Xin Yan, 2010: Data assimilation activities at ZAMG (Austria)
- Patrik Benacek, 2010: Testing of bias correction schemes for satellite data assimilation
- Benedikt Strajnar and Jure Cedilnik, 2010: Data assimilation activities at EARS, January-August 2010
- Antonio Stanesič, 2010: DA activities at DHMZ
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2010: Estimating observational, background and model error of AROME using a posteriori diagnostics
- Jure Cedilnik, 2010: Extensive validation and verification of LandSAF albedo assimilation in ALADIN NWP model and Exploring possibilities of using satellite information for snow analysis in combination with improved CANARI analysis
- Alena Trojáková, 2010: The SWI diagnostic study (CZ)
- Gergely Bölöni, 2010: SWI diagnostics for HU
- Gergely Bölöni, 2010: Background error sampling with wide Extension zones (report from the 4DVAR working week)
- Area report for 2009
- Michal Nestiak, 2009: RC LACE - Use of None-GTS data in ALADIN assimilation
- Xin Yan, Florian Meier, Cristoph Wittmann, Stefan Schneider, 2009: Data assimilation activities at ZAMG I (Austria)
- Stefan Schneider, Florian Meier and Xin Yan, 2009: Data assimilation activities at ZAMG (Austria) II
- Antonio Stanesic and Tomislav Kovacic, 2009: Data assimilation on DHMZ (Croatia)
- Alena Trojáková, 2009: Data assimilation at CHMI (Czech Rep)
- Benedikt Strajnar and Jure Cedilnik, 2009: Data assimilation research and development at EARS in 2009 (Slovenia)
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2009: Data assimilation activities at EARS September-December 2009
- Jure Cedilnik and Lora Taseva, 2009: Preliminary results of CANARI snow analysis testing
- Gergely Bölöni and László Kullmann, 2009: Data assimilation activities at HMS in 2009
- Alena Trojáková, Gergely Bölöni and László Szabó, 2009: Automatic monitoring reports from HMS
- Alena Trojáková and Gergely Bölöni, 2009: Study of 3D-FGAT and RUC techniques
- Benedikt Strajnar and Gergely Bölöni, 2009: Implementation of ALADIN 4DVAR prototype at EARS and HMS
- Antonin Bucanek (supervised by Alena Trojáková and Radmila Brozková), 2010: Brief Summary of my thesis: Study of AMDAR data in NWP model ALADIN
- Area report for 2008
- Jure Cedilnik and Benedikt Strajnar, 2008: Test implementation of assimilation cycle with CANARI surface analysis at the Environmental Agency of Slovenia
- Xin Yan, 2008: Status report: B matrix validation in ZAMG
- Sabine Leroch, 2008: Status report Data-Assimilation for LACE
- Antonio Stanesic, Tomislav Kovacic, Kristian Horvath, 2008: Report about DA installation at DHMZ
- Alena Trojáková, 2008: Data assimilation at CHMI, progress report from September 2008
- Ahmed Bouzid, 2008: Assimilation of HIRS and SYNOP data in the ALADIN/HU model
- Ersin Kucukkaraca, 2008: Assimilation of SEVIRI water vapour channels and SYNOP data
- Gergely Bölöni, László Kullmann, András Horányi, 2008: Experiences in using ECMWF lateral boundary conditions for the operational ALADIN model in Hungary
- Edit Adamcsek, 2008: An experiment with the ETKF transformation matrix at HMS (preliminary report)
- Jure Cedilnik, 2008: Estimating the Added Value of Land SAF Albedo Assimlation in ALADIN
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2008: Grid point mapping of background errors in Aladin 3D-VAR
- Gergely Bölöni, László Szabó, Alena Trojáková, 2008: OPLACE: common observation preprocessing for LACE
- Alena Trojáková (DM), 2008: Report of work on common preprocessing
- Gergely Bölöni, 2008: Overview of radar data assimilation in NWP models
- Petra Csomós and Gergely Bölöni: First steps towards the application of the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- WG report for year 2007
- Mária Derková, Martin Belluš, 2007: Various applications of the blending by digital filter technique in the ALADIN numerical weather prediction system
- Sándor Kertész, 2007: Overview of the observation usage in the ALADIN variational data assimilation system
- Sándor Kertész, 2007: Using T799 IFS initial and boundary conditions in the ALADIN/HU model
- Sándor Kertész, 2007: Investigation of the use of non-GTS SYNOP reports in the ALADIN/HU 3D-VAR system
- Zoltán Juhász and Gergely Bölöni, 2007: Tests with the CONGRAD minimization algorithm within the ALADI/HU 3DVAR system
- Benedikt Strajnar, 2007: Rapid Update Cycle with ALADIN/HU
- Filip Vana, 2007: Validation of e801 configuration (adjoint sensitivity) in ALADIN
- Alena Trojáková, 2007: Assimilation of SEVIRI data II
- Alena Trojáková, 2007: Assimilation of SYNOP and SEVIRI data (draft)
- WG report for year 2006
- Sándor Kertész, 2006: Forecast experiments with the ALADIN 3D-FGAT analysis system
Alena Trojakova, Michal Majek, 2006: Assimilation of SEVIRI data - stay in Budapest, 18/9/06-10/11/06
- Marián Jurašek, 2006: Quality Control for RADAR reflectivity
- Roger RANDRIAMAMPIANINA, 2006: Impact of the AMV data in the ALADIN/HU assimilation system
- Steluta Vasiliu, 2006: An evaluation of tfe 3D-FGAT scheme for the ALADIN/Hungary model
- Gergely Bölöni, 2006: Diagnosis of covariance residuals and tuning of background and observation errors in the ALADIN/HU 3DVAR
- WG report for year 2005
- Richard Mládek, 2005: Two case studies with ALADIN/LAMEPS based on ARPEGE/PEACE ensemble system
- Yong WANG and Alexander KANN, 2005: ALADIN Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting (LAEF)
- Edit Hágel and András Horányi, 2005: Sensitivity experiments of global singular vectors at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- Kristian Horvath, 2005: Comparison of ensemble and NMC type of background error statistics for the ALADIN/HU model
- Kristian Horvath, 2005: A tuning of the humidity background error profile in ALD/HU assimilation system
- Roger RANDRIAMAMPIANINA, 2005: Use and impact of the full grid AMSU-B data in the ALADIN/HU model
- Gergely Bölöni, 2005: Operational implementation of ALADIN 3DVAR at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- Marián Jurášek, 2005: Assimilation of radar data - research plan
- WG report for year 2004
- Gergerly Bölöni, Claude Fischer, Loik Berre, 2004: (An)Isotropy of background error structure function
- Kristian Horvath, Gergerly Bölöni, 2004: Comparison of NMC and LH type of b. error stat. of the ALADIN/HU mode
- Steluta Alexandru, Gergerly Bölöni, Helga Tóth, 2004: Experiments with the explicit blending and the 3D-Var scheme for the ALADIN/HU model - Part I: General evaluation
- Steluta Alexandru, Gergerly Bölöni, Helga Tóth, 2004: Experiments with the explicit blending and the 3D-Var scheme for the ALADIN/HU model - Part II: Case studies
- Regina Szoták, Roger Randriamampianina, 2004: Choice for radiance-bias correction for a limited-are model
- Marián Jurašek, 2004: Radar Reflectivity Data Assimilation
- Gabriella Csima, Roger Randriamampianina, Miklós Balogh, 2004: Assimilation of AMDAR data
- Michal Májek, Gergerly Bölöni, 2004: Assimilation of 10m wind data in Aladin-HU
- Helga Tóth, 2004: Detailed case study od a dramatic winter temperature overestimation in the ALADIN/HU model
- Edit Hágel, Gabriell Szépszó, 2004: Preliminary results of LAMEPS experiments at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- Gergerly Bölöni, 2004: Technical Note on observation handling in ALADIN cy28t0
- WG report for year 2003
- Kristian Horvath, 2003: Study of the vertical structure of 3D-Var analysis increments
- Stjepan Ivatek-Šahdan, 2003: Smoothing of Soil Wetness Index (SWI) in ALADIN/LACE domain
- Marián Jurašek, 2003: Assimilation of 10 m wind from SYNOP observations over land (ps-format)
- Roger Randriamampianina, Regina Szoták, 2003: Impact of the ATOVS data on the Mesoscale ALADIN/HU Model
- Helga Tóth, 2003: Further blending experiments & Studying of LH-Statistics