Area Leader for Dynamics and Coupling:
- Petra Smolíková (from January 2012)
- Filip Váňa (from July 2003 to December 2011)
- Petra Smolíková (from January 2003 to June 2003)
- 2008-2010: Towards an operational implementation of the ALADIN NH dynamics
- AL report for year 2024 - first part from Sept 2024
- Mario Hrastinski: Towards the pseudo 3D turbulence within the ALARO CMC, report from a stay, first part, May 2024
- Nika Kastelec, Further research on including orography in the vertical Laplacian of the linear model used in the ICI time scheme, report from a stay, June 2024
- AL report for year 2023 - second part from Feb 2024
- AL report for year 2023 - first part from Sept 2023
- Alexandra Craciun: Dynamic definition of the iterative time schemes, report from a stay, Nov 2023
- Mario Hrastinski: Development of the sub-kilometer ALARO Canonical Model Configuration, report from a stay, May and Oct 2023
- Nika Kastelec: Proposal to include orography in the vertical Laplacian of the linear model used in the ICI time scheme, short report from a stay, May 2023
- AL report for year 2022 - second part from March 2023
- AL report for year 2022 - first part from Sept 2022
- Alexandra Craciun: Dynamic definition of the iterative time schemes, report from a stay, Nov 2022
- Gabriel Stachura: Frame approach in coupling, report from a stay Oct 2022
- Mario Hrastinski: Implementation of the quasi-3D turbulence scheme within the ALARO Canonical Model Configuration, report from a stay, May 2022
- AL report for year 2021 - second part from March 2022
- AL report for year 2021 - first part from Sept 2021
- Gabriel Stachura: Frame approach in coupling, RC LACE stay in Prague, Nov 2021
- AL report for year 2020 - second part from March 2021
- AL report for year 2020 - first part from Sept 2020
- Jozef Vivoda: Stabilization of the SI time stepping for the ALADIN NH model. Transition of the EE system into the HY system using a set of constant parameters., RC LACE stay in Prague, 9-10/2020
- AL report for year 2019 - final version from March 2020
- AL report for year 2019 - preliminary version from 6/9/2019
- Jozef Vivoda: NH system as departure from HY system. Unification of HY and NH code, RC LACE stay in Prague, 11/2019
- Alexandra Craciun: Dynamic definition of the iterative time schemes, RC LACE stay in Prague, 10/2019
- Mario Hrastinski: Testing the performance of Semi-Lagrangian Horizontal Diffusion (SLHD) at different horizontal resolutions, RC LACE stay in Prague, 05-06/2019
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamical parameters for the new operational application of the ALADIN System at CHMI aiming to use nonhydrostatic equations at a 2.325km horizontal resolution , 04/2019
- AL report for year 2018
- Jozef Vivoda:Testing NH VFE integral operator in HY model core and further development of the new vertical divergence variables, RC LACE stay in Prague, 12/2018
- Alexandra Craciun: The trajectory search in the SL advection scheme , RC LACE stay in Prague, 10/2018
- Martina Tudor: Testing GP and spectral coupling, 08/2018
- Jozef Vivoda: New vertical motion variables in the non-hydrostatic dynamical core of the ALADIN system, RC LACE stay in Prague, 06-07/2018
- AL report for year 2017
- Jozef Vivoda: Vertical finite element scheme in dynamical core of ALADIN, RC LACE stay in Prague, 11/2017
- Petra Smolíková, Phasing VFE NH to CY45t1, 09/2017
- Jozef Vivoda, Dynamical PC scheme for NH kernel of AAA models, Part 1 : Theoretical considerations and implementation of LSETTLS residual extrapolation into PC CHEAP scheme, RC LACE stay in Prague, 05/2017
- Jozef Vivoda, Dynamical PC scheme for NH kernel of AAA models, Part 2 : Implementation and experiments, RC LACE stay in Prague, 05/2017
- Viktória Homonnai, Testing different parts of SLHD on 1km resolution, RC LACE stay in Prague, 05/2017
- Alexandra Craciun, The trajectory search in the SL advection scheme, RC LACE stay in Prague, 02-03/2017
- AL report - from January to September 2016
- AL report - the whole year 2016
- Alexandra Craciun: "Application of ENO technique to semi-Lagrangian interfpolations"
- Petra Smolíková: "Testing COMAD correction of interpolation weights used in SL advection scheme with ALARO physics in high resolution experiments"
- Jozef Vivoda: "Vertical finite elements discretization in the NH kernel of the system AAA"
- Juan Simarro
- Álvaro Subías
- AL report - from January to September 2015
- AL report - from October to December 2015
- Alexandra Craciun: report from stay "Application of ENO techniques to SL interpolations"
- Ivan Bašták-Duráň: report from stay "1D2D turbulence scheme for ALARO"
- Jozef Vivoda: report from stay on "Vertical finite element discretisation in NH kernel of model system AAA"
- David Lancz: report from stay "Examination of vertical diffusion of vertical velocity with ALADIN-NH CY38"
- Petra Smolíková: "Namelist dynamic parameters for high resolution experiments"
- AL report - from January to August 2014
- AL report - from September to December 2014
- Petra Smolikova: "Testing VFE in ALADIN-NH"
- David Lancz: report from stay on "Physical tendency of vertical velocity variable in ALADIN NH - 2D tests"
- Alexandra Craciun: report from stay on "ENO techniques in SL interpolations"
- Jozef Vivoda: report from stay on "VFE in ALADIN-NH - considerations on vertical Laplacian"
- AL report for year 2013
- Jozef Vivoda: report from stay on "VFE descretisation of NH dynamics"
- David Lancz: report from stay on "Physical tendency of vertical velocity variable in ALADIN NH"
- Alvaro Subias: report from stay on "Design of vertical finite elements scheme for NH version of the model"
- Juan Simarro: report from stay on "Invertible operators for vertical finite element scheme of ALADIN NH"
- WG report for year 2007
- Ján Mašek: Test implementation of new semi-Lagrangian interpolators in ARPEGE/ALADIN cycle 32t1alr01 - Results of RC LACE research stay in Prague 16.7.-18.8.2007
- WG report for year 2006
- Filip Váňa: Semi-Lagrangian horizontal diffusion in ALADIN/ARPEGE
- Jozef Vívoda: Report of stay at DMI
- Jozef Vívoda: Vertical finite elements discretization in NH model ALADIN CY30T1 - draft of report from LACE stay at ZAMG
- Ján Mašek: Study of semi-Lagrangian interpolators in idealized framework
- Ján Mašek: Diagnostic tool for lateral coupling
- WG report for year 2005
- Filip Váňa: On the changing design ARPEGE/ALADIN spectral horizontal diffusion setup
- Filip Váňa: Spline interpolation in semi-Lagrangian advection scheme of ALADIN/ARPEGE/IFS
- J.-F. Geleyn: New findings about the orographic ‘chimney problem' in ALADIN-NH dynamical core and tentative conclusions for the code policy
- Radmila Brožková: Documentation on d4 developments in ALADIN NH
- Jozef Vívoda: Non-isothermal reference temperature profile in NH dynamics of model ALADIN
- Jozef Vívoda: Two-time level iterative centered implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme with grid-point prognostic variable gw and semi-implicit variable d3 or d4
- Martina Tudor et al.: Testing SLHD
- Martina Tudor: Testing SLHD, NH dynamics and orography representation on high resolution bura forecast
- WG report for year 2004
- Ján Mašek: Consistent BBC treatment of HD in ALADIN-NH - Report | Figures
- Martina Tudor: Consistency of Arome equations with Aladin dynamics (and physics) assumptions and hypotheses
- Jozef Vívoda: Three time level iterative centered implicit scheme with Eulerian advection treatment
- Martina Tudor: Timesteping etc.
- WG report for year 2003
- Ján Mašek: Residual Problems in ALADIN-NH Dynamical Core - Report | Figures
- Ján Mašek: Reformulation of Bottom Boundary Condition - Report | Figures
- Stjepan Ivatek-Šahdan: Coupling frequency - two time nesting
- Gabor Radnoti: The present parallelization level of ALADIN Code
- Martina Tudor: Physics dynamics interface for PC scheme
Workshops & Meetings:
- 15 - 19 April 2024, Norrkoping, Sweden: 4th ACCORD All Staff Workshop
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamics in LACE - towards hectometric scales
- 25 - 28 Sep 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland: 45th EWGLAM - 30th SRNWP Workshop
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamics in LACE - towards hectometric scales
- 27 - 31 March 2023, Talinn, Estonia: 3rd ACCORD All Staff Workshop
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamics & Coupling in LACE
- 14 - 16 Feb 2023, Norrkopping, Sweden: VHR Working Week
- Petra Smolíková: Setting dynamics options in VHR
- 26 - 29 Sep 2022, Brusels, Belgium: 44th EWGLAM - 29th SRNWP Workshop
- Mario Hrastinski, Ján Mašek and Petra Smolíková:
- 4-8 April 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia: 2nd ACCORD All Staff Workshop
- Petra Smolíková: RC LACE: Coupling & Dynamics
- 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2021, online: 43th EWGLAM - 28th SRNWP Workshop
- Petra Smolíková, Jozef Vivoda: LACE Novelties: Stability of the SI time scheme with modified linear model
- 12-16 April 2021, 1st ACCORD All Staff Workshop, video-conference
- Petra Smolíková & Jozef Vivoda: Generalization of the linear model used in the SI and ICI time schemes
- 30/03-03/04/2020, Joint 30th ALADIN Workshop and HIRLAM ASM 2020, visio-conference
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamics in RC LACE
- 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria: 41th EWGLAM - 26th SRNWP Workshop
- Petra Smolíková: RC LACE Advances in dynamics
- 28 May 2019, Toulouse, France: Dynamics Day
- Jozef Vivoda: Contribution of RC LACE into development of HY and NH dynamical core
- 1-4 April 2019, Madrid, Spain: Joint 29th ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM ASM
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamics in RC LACE
- 1-4 October 2018: Salzburg, Austria: 40th EWGLAM - 25th SRNWP Workshop
- Petra Smolíková: Recent developments in LACE: new variable for vertical motion in nonhydrostatic dynamics of the ALADIN/HIRLAM system
- 16 - 19 April 2018, Toulouse, France: Joint 28th ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM ASM
- Petra Smolíková: Dynamics in RC LACE
- 2 - 5 October 2017, Reading, UK: 39th EWGLAM and 24th SRNWP Joint Meetings
- Petra Smolíková: LACE : News in dynamics 2017
- 3 - 7 April 2017, Helsinki, Finland: Joint 27th ALADIN Workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting
- 3 - 6 October 2016, Rome, Italy: 38th EWGLAM and 23nd SRNWP Joint Meetings
- 4 - 8 April 2016, Lisbon, Portugal: Joint 26th ALADIN Workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting
- 5 - 8 October 2015, Belgrade, Serbia: 37th EWGLAM and 22nd SRNWP Joint Meetings
- 13 - 17 April 2015, Helsingor, Denmark: Joint 25th ALADIN Workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting
- 29 September - 2 October 2014, Offenbach, Germany: EWLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 7-10 April 2014, Bucharest, Romania: Joint 24th ALADIN Workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting
- 30 September - 3 October 2013, Antalya, Turkey: EWLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 15-19 April, 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland: Joint 23rd ALADIN Workshop / HIRLAM All Staff Meeting
- Jozef Vivoda : Vertical finite elements in the NH dynamical core of ALADIN
- Petra Smolikova : LACE – dynamics and coupling
- 8-11 October 2012, Helsinki, Finland: EWGLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 28 September - 1 October 2009, Athens, Greece: EWGLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 23-24 March 2009, Reading, UK: SRNWP Dynamics workshop
- 6-9 October 2008, Madrid, Portugal: EWGLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 8-12 October 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia: EWGLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 22-23 February 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia: 8th LSC
- 9-12 October 2006, Zurich, Switzerland: EWGLAM/SRNWP Meeting
- 17-21 February 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia: ALADIN/ALATNET Coupling mini-workshop