Plans and status
List of documentation related to ALARO
ALARO-1 working days, IMGW, Krakow, 3-5 March 2025
ALARO-1 working days, CHMI, Prague, 13-15 June 2022
ALARO-1 working days, SHMI, Bratislava, 11-13 March 2019
ALARO-1 working days, IRM, Brussels, 12-14 September 2016
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ALARO-1 working days, ZAMG, Vienna, 12-14 May 2014
ALARO-1 working days, Slovenian Environmental Agency, Ljubljana, 13-15 June 2012
ALARO-1 working days, Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, 16-19 February 2010
The main outcomes and decisions from the final discussions
Training Course on ALARO-0 - Radostovice (Cz), 26-30 March 2007
Lectures, presentations and documentation
Workshop on concepts for convective parameterisations in large-scale models II: "Entrainment and Detrainment in Convective Plumes" - Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, 25-27 March 2009
List of presentations:
- Alan Blyth: Review on observational studies of convective entrainments
- Harm Jonker: A complexity of entrainment-detrainment processes in "directly-simulated" plumes
- Dmitrii Mirnov: "Analogies between the mass-flux and the ensemble-mean second-moment modelling frameworks "
- Complements on operational-like issues (with additional short presentations)
- Pier Siebesma: "The recent (last ten years) development in entrainment-detrainment concept in modelling and parameterization"
- Jean-François Geleyn (with D. Banciu, R. Brozkova and L. Gerard): Entrainment as the main controlling parameter of convective activity in the 3MT moist-physics nifying scheme. Trials for an extension towards a 'cold-pool mechanism'-oriente 'memory of entrainment'
- Round Table Discussions: "importance of detrainment" to be led by Pier Siebesma
- Discussions for planning on the next year (topic, site, etc)
Plans and status
- Short list of activities (July 2007)
- Short list of activities (July 2009)
- From ALARO-0 to ALARO-1 (October 2009)
- Status of progress , October 2009
- Detailed and updated list of actions (October 2009)
- Detailed and updated list of actions (October 2009) with status at the end of August 2010
List of documentation related to ALARO (update March 2017):
Articles (please contact the authors for a version):
- Bašták Ďurán, I., Geleyn, J.-F., Váňa, F., Schmidli, J., and R. Brožková, 2018: A turbulence scheme with two prognostic turbulence energies. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,
- Termonia, P., Fischer, C., Bazile, E., Bouyssel, F., Brožková, R., Bénard, P., Bochenek, B., Degrauwe, D., Derkova, M., El Khatib, R., Hamdi, R., Mašek, J., Pottier, P., Pristov, N., Seity, Y., Smolíková, P.,Spaniel, O., Tudor, M., Wang, Y., Wittmann, C., Joly, A., 2018. The ALADIN System and its Canonical Model Configurations AROME CY41T1 and ALARO CY40T1. Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 257–281.
- Yong Wang, Martin Belluš, Andrea Ehrlich, Máté Mile, Neva Pristov, Petra Smolíková, Oldřich Španiel, Alena Trojáková, Radmila Brožková, Jure Cedilnik, Dijana Klarić, Tomislav Kovačić, Ján Mašek, Florian Meier, Balázs Szintai, Simona Tascu, Jozef Vivoda, Clemens Wastl, Christoph Wittmann, 2018: 27 Years of Regional Co-operation for Limited Area Modelling in Central Europe (RC LACE), published online on 26 January 2018 in BAMS, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0321.1
- J.-F. Geleyn, J. Mašek, R. Brožková, P. Kuma, D. Degrauwe, G. Hello and N. Pristov, 2017: Single interval longwave radiation scheme based on the net exchanged rate decomposition with bracketing, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, DOI: 10.1002/qj.3006
- Gerard, L., 2015: Bulk mass-flux perturbation formulation for a unified approach of deep convection at high resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 4038–4063.
- Mašek J., J.-F. Geleyn R. Brožková, O. Giot H. O. Achom and P. Kuma, 2015: Single interval shortwave radiation scheme with parameterized optical saturation and spectral overlaps, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, DOI: 10.1002/qj.2653
- Lindstedt, D., Lind, P., Kjellström, E., & Jones, C. (2015). A new regional climate model operating at the meso-gamma scale: performance over Europe . Tellus A, 67. doi:
- Ivan Bašták Ďurán, Jean-François Geleyn, and Filip Váňa, 2014: A Compact Model for the Stability Dependency of TKE Production–Destruction–Conversion Terms Valid for the Whole Range of Richardson Numbers . J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 3004–3026. doi:
- Rozemien De Troch, Rafiq Hamdi, Hans Van de Vyver, Jean-François Geleyn, and Piet Termonia, 2013: Multiscale Performance of the ALARO-0 Model for Simulating Extreme Summer Precipitation Climatology in Belgium. J. Climate, 26, 8895–8915. doi:
- Bengtsson, L., M. Steinheimer, P. Bechtold, and J.-F. Geleyn, 2013: A stochastic parameterisation for deep convection using cellular automata. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 139, 1533-1543.
- Marquet, P. and J.-F. Geleyn, 2013: On a general definition of the squared BruntVaisala frequency associated with the specific moist entropy potential temperature. Quart. J.Roy. Meteor. Soc., 139 (670), 85-100.
- Gerard, L., J.-M. Piriou, R. Brožkova, J.-F. Geleyn, D. Banciu, 2009: Cloud and precipitation parameterization in a meso-gamma scale operational weather rediction model , Monthly Weather Review, Volume 137 Issue 11, pp 3960-3977
- Geleyn, J.-F., B. Catry, Y. Bouteloup and R. Brožková, 2008: A statistical approach for sedimentation inside a micro-physical precipitation scheme , Tellus A, Volume 60 Issue 4, pp 649-662
- Catry, B., J.-F. Geleyn, F. Bouyssel, J. Cedilnik, R. Brožková, M. Derkova and R. Mladek, 2008: A new sub-grid scale lift formulation in a mountain drag parameterisation scheme , Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Volume 17, Number 2, pp. 193-208(16)
J.-M. Piriou, J.-L. Redelsperger, J.-F. Geleyn, J.-P. Lafore and F. Guichard, 2007: An approach for convective parameterization with memory, in separating microphysics and transport in grid-scale equations , J. Atmos. Sci., Volume 64, Issue 11, pp. 4127–4139
L. Gerard, 2007: An integrated package for subgrid convection, clouds and precipitation compatible with the meso-gamma scales , Q.J.R.Meteorol.Soc., Volume 133, Issue 624, pp 711-730
Catry, B.; Geleyn, J.-F.; Tudor, M.; Bénard, P.; Trojáková, A., 2007: Flux-conservative thermodynamic equations in a mass-weighted framework - Source: Tellus A, Volume 59, Number 1, January 2007, pp. 71-79(9)
- Brozkova R., M. Derkova, M. Bellus, A. Ferda, 2006: Atmospheric forcing by ALADIN/MFSTEP and MFSTEP oriented Atmospheric tunings , Ocean Sci., 2, 113–121
Geleyn, J.F.; Bénard, P.; Fournier, R., 2005: A general-purpose extension of the Malkmus band-model average equivalent width to the case of the Voigt line profile , Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Number 611, October 2005 Part A, pp. 2757-2768(12)
Gerard, L.; Geleyn, J.F., 2005: Evolution of a subgrid deep convection parametrization in a limited-area model with increasing resolution , Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Number 610, July 2005 Part B, pp. 2293-2312(20)
The Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) Blue Book:
- Vana, F., I. Bastak, and J.-F. Geleyn, 2011: Turbulence length scale formulated as a function of moist BruntVaisala frequency. WGNE Blue Book, chap. 4, 9-10.
- J.-F. Geleyn, M. Vanandruel, I. Bašták, D. Degrauwe, F. Váña, 2010: An alternative method for handling the interactions between turbulence and phase changes, 4-03
- L. Gerard, 2010: Improvement of convection parameterization in high resolution limit, 4-05
- J.-F. Geleyn, Y. Bouteloup, B. Catry, R. Brozkova, 2007: A PDF-based method for computing the sedimentation effects within a full prognosic microphysical scheme
- J.-F. Geleyn, F. Vana, J. Cedilnik, M. Tudor, B. Catry, 2006: An intermediate solution between diagnostic exchange coefficients and prognostic TKE methods for vertical turbulent transport
- L. Gerard, J.-M. Piriou, J.-F. Geleyn, 2006: Advances in the integration of deep convection and microphysics for the meso-scale
- J.-F. Geleyn, R. Fournier, G. Hello, N. Pristov, 2005: A new bracketing technique for flexible and economical computation of thermal radiative fluxes, scattering effects included on the basis the Net Exchanged Rate (NER) formalism
Documents & LACE reports:
- M. Tudor, S. Ivatek-Šahdan, A. Stanešič, 2017: Sea surface temperature in operational forecast (example of Adriatic Sea), ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter No.8
- Ivan Bašták Ďurán, 2015: TOUCANS documentation (53 pages), available on request
- Radmila Brožková, 2015: ALARO 1 Configuration with ACRANEB2 and TOUCANS Scheme - Version A , related code pack for the cycle CY38T1.bf3
- Ivan Bašták Ďurán, 2014: Users documentation for Turbulence scheme (pTKE, TOUCANS) , version from December 2014
- Radmila Brožková, 2014: A general description of the "ALARO" concept and its realisation
- Jan Mašek, 2014: Tuning of direct albedo in ACRANEB2 scheme
- Lisa Bengtsson, 2014: Progress report and instructions on the use of cellular automata deep convection in ALARO and HarmonEPS .
- ALARO-0 baseline namelist documentation CY38T1 (bf3)
- Mašek J., 2013: New gaseous transmissions in ACRANEB , presentation at meeting in Prague, 6-7 March 2013
- Brožková R. 2012: ALARO-0 Baseline , documentation, December 2012
- Brožková R. 2012: Moist physics developments and tunings in ALARO , documentation
- Brožková R. 2012: 3MT in ARPEGE, Basic user-guide for the introduction of the code and namelist modifications leading to ‘3MT in ARPEGE’
- Brožková R. 2012: 3MT in ARPEGE, Description of the code and namelist changes , technical documentation
- R. Brozkova, J.-F. Geleyn, 2008: List of 3MT-related upgrades to the ALARO-0 code since early March 2007 (18 March)
- Neva Pristov, Christoph Wittmann, 2008: An overview of the namelist settings in ALARO
- 2007: Documentation on the modification set ALARO-0-1based on CY32T1 export
- J. Rio, 2007: Report on Cloudinessunder its n shapes
- 2007: Algorithmic sequences in APLPAR, associated variables' evolutions for the two basic versions of ALARO-0
- J.-F. Geleyn, B. Catry, R. Brozkova, 2007 : APLMPHYS and its ingredients
- L. Gerard, 2007: Personal documentation on updraught
- L. Gerard, 2007: Personal documentation on downdraught
- Martina Tudor, 2007: Compilation and porting of ALARO-0 to SGI Altix in Croatia
- Oldřich Španiel, 2007: Compilation and porting of ALARO-0 to IBM Regatta
- Jure Cedilnik, Neva Pristov, 2007: Porting of ALARO-0 to Linux Cluster
- R.Brozkova, 2007: Documentation on the e-suite ALARO-0 (without 3MT)
- R. Brožková, D. Banciu and J.-F. Geleyn, 2006: Short explanatory document on the cascade and negative humidity corrections aspects of ALARO-0
- L. Gerard, 2006: The parameterisation of the turbulent diffusion fluxes in the presence of cloud ice and droplets: synthesis and aplication to Aladin , ALADIN Newsletter 30, pp 60-66
J.-F. Geleyn, J. Cedilnik, M. Tudor, F. Vana, 2006: ACDIFUS_prog (or pseudo-TKE) and its ingredients
Alena Trojakova, 2006: Status report of work on gaseous transmission functions
- Martina Tudor el al., 2006: ALARO-0
- A. Simon, 2006: Study of the new mixing length formulation in the ALARO-3MT physical parameterization pdf.gz doc.gz
- Dunja Drvar, Jure Cedilnik, 2006: Validation of new prognostic ACPLUIE scheme
- Neva Pristov, 2006: A statistical model used in computation of thermal inter-layer exchange terms, in preparation
- Ivana Stiperski, 2005: Convection scheme in ALARO-0, short report from stay Oct-Dec 2005 in Prague
- Ján Mašek, 2005: New parameterization of cloud optical properties proposed for model ALARO-0, first results
- SURFEX Users Workshop
- Rafiq Hamdi: On the use of SURFEX as a new land surface scheme for the limited area NWP model ALARO
- ALADIN-HIRLAM Clouds WW, Toulouse, 16-18 January 2017
- Luc Gérard : Can we unify clouds representation throughout Alaro physics?
- 38th EWGLAM & 23rd SRNWP joined meetings, 3-6 October 2016, Rome,Italy
- N.Pristov: ALARO physics developments
- National posters
- Joint 26th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting, 4-8 April 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
- Neva Pristov: ALARO status overview
- Radmila Brožková: New shallow convection parameterization in ALARO-1oint 26th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting,
- National posters
- Conference on "Understanding clouds and precipitation ", 15-19 Februar 2016 Berlin
- Luc Gerard: Perturbation approach for scale-aware convection parameterization at kilometer resolution
- 37th EWGLAM & 22nd SRNWP joined meetings, 5-8 October 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
- N.Pristov: ALARO physics developments
- National posters
- 33rd International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 Aug – 04 Sep 2015, Innsbruck
- Clemens Wastl, Christoph Wittmann (ZAMG); Alexandre Mary, Yann Seity (Météo France); Laura Rontu (Finnish Meteorological Institute), Martin Dian (Slovak Hydromet. Institute) Parameterization of orographic effects on surface radiation in AROME
- Joint 25th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting, 13-17 April 2015, Helsingor, Denmark
- Luc Gérard : Deep convection and downdraught in Alaro-1
- Neva Pristov, Jan Masek: ALARO status overview with emphasis on ACRANEB2 radiation scheme
- Radmila Brožkova : ALARO-1: first operational implementation
- Ivan Bašták Ďurán: Operational version of turbulence scheme TOUCANS
- Christoph Wittmann : Parameterization of orographic effects on surface radiation in AROME
- Dávid Lancz : Modification of EDKF parametrization in the grey zone
- WGNE/GASS Workshop: The Grey Zone Project, December 1-3, 2014 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg Germany
- Petra Smolikova: The multi scale parameterization concept ALARO
- Luc Gerard: Multi scale behaviour of a deep convection parameterization using a perturbation approch
- 14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), 06 – 10 October 2014, Prague, Czech Republic Radmila Brožková and Jean-François Geleyn: Multi-scale parameterization concept ALARO: an example of its concretization
- Ján Mašek, Jean-François Geleyn, Radmila Brožková, Tomáš Kráľ, Olivier Giot, Haliima Okodel Achom, and Peter Kuma: ACRANEB2 radiative transfer scheme - pushing the limits of broadband approach
- Ivan Bašták Ďurán, Jean-François Geleyn, and Filip Váňa: Extension of turbulent scheme with prognostic TKE towards higher order solutions - prognostic TPE and parametrisation of TOMs
- Jean-François Geleyn, Ivan Bašták Ďurán, and Pascal Marquet: Extending a dry turbulence scheme towards all moist aspects - main challenges, guidelines for maintaining consistency and practical solutions
- Jean-François Geleyn, Jan Mašek, Radmila Brožková, and Peter Kuma: Band approach with selective intermittent strategy - a new way of doing effective and yet accurate radiative transfer calculations?
- 36th EWGLAM & 21st SRNWP joined meetings, 29 September - 2 October 2014, Offenbach, Germany
- Brožková R. and N.Pristov: Assembling Scientific Novelties in ALARO
- National posters
- WWOSC 16-21 August 2014, Montreal, Canada
- Radmila Brožková, J. Mašek, I. Bašták Ďurán, J.-F. Geleyn: Anticipating some future challenges for operational parameterizations in high resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
- Joint 24th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting , 7 - 11 April 2014, Bucharest, Romania,
- Radmila Brožková : Microphysics in 3MT and Grey Zone Experiments
- Neva Pristov : ALARO-1 - an overview of developments
- Jan Mašek : Validation of ACRANE2 Radiation Scheme (poster)
- National posters
- 35th EWGLAM & 20th SRNWP joined meetings, 30 September - 3 October, 2013, Antalya, Turkey
- Pristov N.: ALARO physics developments
- National posters
- SRNWP Workshop on Model Physics and Ensemble Prediction Systems Madrid, 18 to 20 June 2013, AEMET
- Bašták Ďurán I.: TOUCANS: Modular turbulent scheme enabling multiple settings for stability functions, mixing lengths and shallow convection parametrisation (poster)
- Geleyn J.-F.: Scanning basic parametrization choices in a state-of-the-art NWP high-resolution model, with respect to their basic potential for generating stochasticity
- Pristov N., C.Wittmann: Possibilities of the ALARO Physical Package for the use in EPS
- Joint 23rd ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting , 15-19 April, 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Brožková R.: ALARO-0 baseline: status and latest results on convective diurnal cycle an overview
- Pristov N.: ALARO-1 an overview
- National posters
- 34th EWGLAM & 19th SRNWP joined meetings, 8-11 October 2012, Helsinki, Finland
- Neva Pristov: ALARO Physics Developments
- Rafiq Hamdi: Recent developments with SURFEX coupled to ALARO
- National posters
- Joint 22nd ALADIN and HIRLAM Workshop, 7-10 May 2012, Marrakech, Morocco
- Piet Termonia : ALARO-1: an overview
- Joris Van den Bergh : Prognostic graupel and new cloud overlap scheme in ALARO
- Rafiq Hamdi : Coupling SURFEX/TEB to the high-resolution (4km) ALARO: Which benefits for a highly urbanized area, Belgium
- National posters
- 21th ALADIN and HIRLAM Workshop, 5-8 April 2011,Norrkoping,Sweden
- Lisa Bengtsson: An approach to deep convection organization using cellular automata
- The 20th ALADIN and HIRLAM Workshop, Crakow, 13-16 April 2010
- Ivan Bastak, Jean-François Geleyn, Filip Vana : TOUCANS : An attempt at synthesising
new findings in turbulence + diffusion over the past 10 years
- Ivan Bastak, Jean-François Geleyn, Filip Vana : TOUCANS : An attempt at synthesising
- 31st EWGLAM and 16th SRNWP Annual Meetings,28 September -1 October 2009, Athens, Greece
- Neva Pristov: ALARO physics developments
- The 19th ALADIN and HIRLAM Workshop , Utrecht, 12-15 May 2009
- Jean-François Geleyn : Towards a common framework for (i) extensions of the Louis formalism, (ii) the RANS aspect of the QNSE theory and (iii) the class of ’No Ri(cr)’ Reynolds-type prognostic TKE schemes?
- Tomas Kral : Revitalization of gaseous transmission functions in ACRANEB radiation scheme utilizing RRTM database
- Ivan Bašták Ďurán : From ’p-TKE’ to ’e-TKE’: suppressing restrictive conditions, validating the extension of the ALARO-0 approach and exploring links with other methods
- Convergence days meeting, Toulouse 24-25 september 2008
- 30th EWGLAM and 15th SRNWP Meetings , 6-9 October 2008, Madrid
- Radmila Brožková: ALARO physisc; development of 3MT
- The 18th ALADIN and HIRLAM Workshop , Bruxelles, 7-10 April 2008
- Radmila Brožková: Time-steps consistency aspects of 3MT
- Luc Gérard : Advances in 3MT
- 29th EWGLAM and 14th SRNWP Meetings , 8-11 October 2007, Dubrovnik
- Neva Pristov: ALARO physics developments
- HARMONIE Workshop, Helsinki, 10-14 September 2007
- Radmila Brožková: ALARO-0 status of developments
- The 17th ALADIN and HIRLAM Workshop , Oslo, 23-27 April 2007
- Jean-Marcel Piriou : Status of 3MT
- Radmila Brožková: Recent status of ALARO-0
- Jure Cedilnik: Validation of microphysics without convection part
- Neva Pristov: Statistical method used in thermal radiation
- The 16th ALADIN Workshop, Sofia 16-19 May 2006
- R. Brozkova: ALARO
- J. Cedilnik & R. Brozkova: Pseudo-prognostic TKE scheme in ALARO
- J. Mašek: Improved parametrization of the cloud optical properties for ALARO-0
- M. Tudor: ALARO-0 microphysics and precipitation : current status
- L. Gerard: 3D experiments at various resolutions of an integrated package handling cloud and precipitation processes
- The 15th ALADIN Workshop, Bratislava 6-10 June 2005
- The 14th ALADIN Workshop, Innsbruck 1-5 June 2004
J.F Geleyn, N. Pristov, G. Hello: Update on the proposal for a new concept of radiative computations for NWP - an updated version with correct scores
EWGLAM/SRNWP 2006, Swiss
Jean-Marcel Piriou: Parametrisation in ALADIN
- Neva Pristov: ALARO-0 Physics developments at LACE in 2006
- A HIRLAM-ALADIN mini-workshop on convection and cloud processes, Tartu 24-26 January 2005
A HIRLAM-ALADIN mini-workshop on mesoscale physics and diagnostic tools, Oslo 12-13 December 2005
N. Pristov, J.F. Geleyn: Status of aladin/alaro physics
Few documents which are rather obsolete:
- A HIRLAM-ALADIN mini-workshop on convection and cloud processes, Tartu 24-26 January 2005
- The 14th ALADIN Workshop, Innsbruck 1-5 June 2004
Jean-Francois Geleyn: The general problem of moist processes in ALADIN-2
Luc Gerard: An integrated approach of microphysics and convection at high resolution