28.9.2019 - 4.10.2019,
Boston, US: Joint EUMETSAT/AMS/NOAA Conference 2019
18.9.2019 - 20.9.2019,
Prague, Czech Republic: LACE Data Assimilation Working Days
9.9.2019 - 13.9.2019,
Copenhagen, Denmark: the EMS Annual Meeting
15.7.2019 - 17.7.2019,
Montreal, Canada: Workshop of the 3rd International Surface Working Group (ISWG)
24.4.2019 - 26.4.2019,
Madrid, Spain: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference
21.1.2019 - 24.1.2019,
Kobe, Japan: The 7th International Symposium on Data Assimilation (ISDA2019)
24.10.2018 - 30.11.2018,
Call for RC LACE MG position: Area Leader for physics and surface parametrization
1.10.2018 - 4.9.2018,
Salzburg, Austria: 40th EWGLAM and 25th SRNWP meetings
19.9.2018 - 21.9.2018,
Bucarest, Romania: DAsKIT WD
19.9.2018 - 21.9.2018,
Bucarest, Romania: Data Assimilation Working Days
17.9.2018 - 18.9.2018,
Bucharest, Romania: 31th RC LACE Steering Committee Meeting
10.9.2018 - 13.9.2018,
Reading, ECMWF : Annual Seminar 2018 - Earth System Assimilation
3.9.2018 - 7.9.2018,
Budapest, Hungary: European Meteorological Society Conference
2.7.2018 - 6.7.2018,
Aveiro, Portugal: Data Assimilation workshop
> Objet: next adjoint workshop > > For those interested in the next "Adjoint Workshop" > > The 11th Workshop on Meteorological Sensitivity Analysis and Data > Assimilation is now scheduled for 2-6 July 2018 at the Meliá Ria > Hotel in Aveiro, Portugal. A pair of tutorials on fundamentals for > students will be presented on 1 July. The cost for room, all meals, > and registration fee will be approximately 850 euros for single occupancy > for 5 days or 720 euros for double occupancy including the tutorial day. > The format will be similar to that of the previous workshops. > > The workshop committee includes Ron Errico, Nikki Privé, Andy Moore, > Liang Xu, Sarah Dance, Marta Janiskova, Loik Berre, and David > Carvalho. Nikki and I have requested NSF funds for students or > postdocs from U.S. institutions. In a later email we will be > requesting suggestions for topics for "invited" lecturers and possible > debate issues. So far, more than 65 persons have indicated their > interests in attending. Please pass this announcement to any colleagues > who may be interested. > > For the workshop committee, > Ron Errico > > -- > Dr. Ronald M. Errico phone: 301-614-6402 > Global Modeling and Assimilation Office fax: 301-614-6246 > Code 610.1, Goddard Space Flight Center ronald.m.errico@nasa.gov > Greenbelt MD 20771 Building 33 Room C218 >
4.12.2017 - 6.12.2017,
DMI, Copenhagen: High resolution modeling workshop