Events archive

  • 23.4.2007 - 26.4.2007, Oslo, Norway: HIRLAM ALADIN WS

  • 15.4.2007 - 20.4.2007, Vienna, Austria: EGU 2007 - Precipitation Special Session

  • 28.3.2007, Bucharest, Romania: LACE Council meeting

  • 27.3.2007 - 29.3.2007, Limassol, Cyprus: 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality

  • 26.3.2007 - 30.3.2007, Radostovice, CZ: ALARO Training course

  • 21.3.2007 - 23.3.2007, Norrköping, Sweden: SRNWP Workshop on Data Assimilation

  • 12.3.2007 - 14.3.2007, Toulouse, France: Joint NetFAM / COST-722 Workshop on Cloud-covered Boundary Layer

  • 5.3.2007 - 7.3.2007, Langen near Frankfurt: LM-User Seminar 2007

  • 22.2.2007 - 23.2.2007, Ljubljana: LACE Steering Committee, 8th meeting

  • 11.12.2006 - 13.12.2006, Toulouse, France: Surface/Surfex workshop

    Dear colleagues, MF confirm the preparations for the Surface/Surfex workshop on December 11-12-13th 2006 in Toulouse. A draft program will be sent to all of you later on (yet in preparation). Thus, this announcement is just to confirm the meeting, the dates , and offer you to check for possible attendees. The two major goals of the workshop are the preparation of a common plan on surface modelization with Hirlam, and practical lectures and discussions on the use of Surfex, more oriented towards the preparation of Surfex runs in partner institutes. Due to the limited amount of persons for the computer room, we intend to restrict the number of attendees to about 16-20. Thus, we would ask for some arbitration in the case where too many scientists would indicate their interest. We do expect about 8 Aladin participants (and about as many from Hirlam). kind regards Claude Fischer. PS: MF may provide some financial support. This needs to be checked on case by case. Please contact us.

  • 13.11.2006 - 14.11.2006, Vienna, Austria: ALADIN-HIRLAM Workshop on LAMEPS

  • 10.11.2006, ECMWF, Reading, England: Clive Temperton Symposium

  • 8.11.2006 - 10.11.2006, Budapest, Hungary: 22nd LACE Council Meeting, ALADIN General Assembly

  • 6.11.2006 - 8.11.2006, Vienna, Austria: First MAP D-PHASE Scientific Meeting

    a Forecast Demonstration Project within WWRP

  • 12.10.2006, Zurich, Switzerland: SRNWP Annual Meeting 2006