RMI, Brussels, 12-14 September 2016
Programme , List of participants
Photo (original): one , two , three , four, five
Piet Termonia: Welcome
Neva Pristov: Introduction and short overview of last 2 years
Jan Mašek: Novelties in radiation
Turbulence-Diffusion TOUCANS
Ivan Bastak Duran: TOUCANS and moist prognostic TKE and TTE
Mario Hrastinski: Mixing length computation in TOUCANS
Radmila Brožková: The shallow convection closure
Deep Convection and CA
Luc Gerard: The non-saturated downdraft in Alaro-1
Luc Gerard: Scale-aware deep convection parameterization
Luc Gerard: Cloudiness in high resolution context
Lisa Bengtsson: Recent reseach work on stochastic parameterization using cellular automata
Luc Gerard: Alaro-1 multiscale behaviour with cellular automata
Jan Mašek, Martin Dian: Improving the computation of sreen level fields (temperature, moisture)
Rafiq Hamdi: SURFEX with ALARO
Patrick Samuelsson: Progress with SURFEX in Hirlam
Climate applications
Rozemien De Troch: Overview of climate research with ALARO-0 at the RMI
Petter Lind: HARMONIE-Climate at SMHI Experiences and status
Radmila Brožková: Alaro experience in Czech Republic - tuning with new shallow convection closure
Steven Caluwaerts: Alaro experience in Belgium
Bogdan Bochenek: ALARO experience in Poland
Martina Tudor: ALARO experience in Croatia
Dávid Lancz: ALARO experience in Hungary
Simona Briceag: ALARO experience in Romania
Maria Derková: ALARO experience in Slovakia
Duygu Ustuner: ALARO experience in Turkey
Neva Pristov: ALARO experience in Slovenia
Alex Deckmyn: HARP recent developments and current status
Wafa Khalfaoui: LAM+ISBA Coupling with ARPEGE+SURFEX
Outcomes, plans , final discussion
Annoucement (May 2016)
The purpose is to present ALARO-1 developments, plans, exchange experience and spread knowledge about the ALARO to a wider ALADIN/LACE/HIRLAM community.
About the scope of the working days
- share the experience on ALARO-1vA validation, operational use
- present latest developments ACRANEB2, TOUCANS (shallow convection), CSD, microphysics
- link with SURFEX
- further validation, tuning and scope of ALARO-1
- discuss about plans
Tentative program:
- Generalities
- introduction, an overview
- evaluation of ALARO-1vA (local experiences, reporting the current implementations, ...)
- physics-dynamics interface: redesign of physics interfaces
- coupling with SURFEX
- ALARO-0 performance in climate simulations
- ALARO-1 overview of current developments
- TOUCANS: shallow convection
- radiation: use of prognostic condensates and cloudiness and other novelties
- precipitations aspects (diurnal cycle issues, microphysics)
- deep convection: complementary subgrid drafts; stochastic components
- set-up of the next versions
- radiation + TOUCANS + unsaturated downdraft
- "full" version (radiation + TOUCANS + CSD) implemented in CY43t2
- Discussion
- current status, open questions/problems
- recommended/possible resolutions, GCM tests, MUSC testbed, climate, load/benefits
- future issues (microphysics, ...)
Three parts will be roughly split over three days, with some flexibility.
Starting Monday (12 September) morning, closing Wednesday (14 September) around noon.
Please, confirm your participation (better before 1 July 2016) to Luc, Neva (neva.pristov@rzs-hm.si) and in CC Beatrice (Beatrice.Libioulle@meteo.be)
Contact them for any question.
A block reservation has been made at Best Western County House hotel, at Square des Heros 2-4, 1180 Brussels, Belgium.
The price of single room (including breakfast) is 72€ for the night of Sunday to Monday, then 92€ for each subsequent night.
You can find information about the hotel at
Do NOT reserve through the web site, but reserve by mail before 15 August 2016 (better earlier, to be sure there are enough rooms) to:
resas@countyhouse.be with the reservation code 'ALARO',
in order to get these special conditions.
The hotel is around 6 min bus trip or a small 20 min walking distance from the meeting place at RMI.